How Do You Know That You Have Bed Bugs
Have you wanted to know how to check for bed bugs? Most of the time there is no way of knowing where a bed bug infestation originated or how it was brought into your home. The good news is that bed bugs leave certain signs behind that let us know they were there, or are in your home, so you can start the elimination process. To find the signs that bed bugs leave behind, one must know how to check for bed bugs in various places around the home. In order to do this effectively, there are certain tools that one can use in order to effectively see a bed bug, such as a magnifying glass, double stick tape, and a putty knife. A flashlight may also be helpful for dark or hard-to-see areas. These tools may sound random, but because bed bugs are so small and like to hide in cracks and crevices, you may not be able to see them with the naked eye. Follow the steps below for different ways how to check for bed bugs around your home.
The first places you want to check are the beds around your home. To do this, remove all the bed linens and covers from the bed so that only the mattress is showing. Look for reddish-brown stains in a circular pattern on the mattress. These stains are usually found on the box spring or in the crack and crevices of the mattress seems. If you notice an area like this, take your magnifying glass or double-stick tape to the mattress area and look for bed bugs. You can also check sofas, chairs, and other furniture the exact same way when looking for bed bugs.
Bed bugs are small bugs that are white to brown in color. These bugs are often most noticeable after they feed when they turn a rusty color, much like the color of blood. Bed bugs are no bigger than an apple seed, and knowing how to check for bed bugs effectively and knowing what to look for can help you identify a problem before it gets out of control.
Using a putty knife, you want to look for bed bugs in small cracks and crevices around your home, particularly around window sills and baseboards. Scrape the knife along these cracks and look for dried blood and other signs mentioned above. Knowing how to check for bed bugs and identifying them is very important for removal.
If you notice after checking for bed bugs that you may have an infestation, contact a pest control professional capable of handling the problem. There are also certain steps you can take after the professional has done his job to eliminate the possibility of having bed bugs in your home again. This process is very similar to learning how to check for bed bugs around the home, except that certain steps are taken to eliminate and kill any bed bugs that may be lurking around the home even after the professional has sprayed for the problem.
How Do You Know If You Have Bed Bugs?
You may ask, how do you know if you have bed bugs, what do these insects look like and how will you know which insect you should observe. These are common queries people often ask. If you suspect that you have these insects at home, you should find out the indicators. Look for blood spots on sheets and also dark brown spots on mattresses, partitions, and bed frames.
If you see them, there may be a bed bug infestation on your hands. Bed bugs are good at hiding, as they are skinny, so they can slip into cracks or anywhere you will have trouble seeing them. Bed bugs suck blood late at night, especially when you are sleeping. You could also get bed bug bites during the evening or day without even knowing it. Bed bug bites can be difficult to recognize, as the appearance is often the same as other insect bites. Even a dermatologist often cannot recognize a bed bug bite or decide whether it is from a bite of a different insect.
Bites can also appear differently from one person to another. On some people, the bites are significant and appear like a red dot in the middle where the skin was penetrated, while on others, they may look like pimples. Bed bugs usually bite in a semi-circular style, which causes a pattern of bites. However, there are numerous cases in which the victim does not end up with a pattern of bites. Being bitten by one of these insects is absolutely unpleasant. Your skin can be irritated and even inflamed depending on how sensitive you are to bed bug bites. Some people described the bite as being like a mosquito bite – very itchy, but it could last for several days. The reaction to this insect’s saliva injected into the skin, causes itchiness and could disturb your sleep in a severe way.